We would like to remind patients that any form of violent or aggressive behaviour towards our staff, be it verbal, physical or online, will not be tolerated. While the vast majority of our patients are extremely supportive, we have encountered behaviour towards our staff recently that is completely unacceptable.
Health Visitors & District Nurses
These staff are attached to the practice by Lanarkshire Health Board.
You can contact them directly;
District Nurses – 01698 753 000
Health Visitors – 01236 772264
Prescribing General Practice Clinical Pharmacists
Nicola Cairns – MPharm PG cert
Michael Boyle – MPharm PG cert
Mental Health Nurses
Caroline Shearer
Lyndsey Vale
Community Link Worker
Lauren Caldow
Occupational Therapist
Sam Corrie
DWP Work Coaches
Margaret Robertson
Patricia Mullen
Margaret and Patricia are Patient Coaches working with healthcare professionals to provide advice and support to help you into or back into work.
They can help if:
– You are struggling to find work
– You feel that you cannot work due to your health condition
– You feel that work is a difficult option or not an option open to you
They have bookable appointments which the practice can book you into every Friday morning between 9am and 12pm.